Friday, August 29, 2008

the week is almost over

Well it looks like we are ending the 1st week of school. All in all I think the girls are adjusting pretty well. Abby is just loving her new school. No complaints at all. Alexis is having a little harder time adjusting. Both schools have curbside drop off which is great for Rodney. All he has to do is pull up and they get them out. Alexis goes in the gym until her teacher comes and gets her at 8. She is not happy that she has to go in the gym nor that Rodney does not walk her in anymore. On Wednesday she had music class and really enjoyed it. Yesterday she said she cried because she wanted to get on the computer but Ms. Murray said it wasn't her turn. Turns out that when she had her chance to get on the day before she didn't want to and now she decided she was ready. She will soon learn she doesn't get that choice and that it is up to the teacher.

I hope they both have some stuff for me to look at when we get home tonight. I am very excited to see some of their completed pieces of work.

Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Second day...

Well today went very well. No tears from Abby. And Alexis didn't cry when she went to her afterschool care. They both seemed to have had a really good day. But I think the no naps for Alexis is already starting to take effect. Well yesterday she was up yet again at 5:50 am. And told me that Ms. Murray let her take a rest at school. I asked if she took a nap and where and she said no, she just rested on the teddybear that is in the reading area. Last night you could tell that she was tired from her crying quite a bit about little stuff and she was a little more sassy than normal. UGH! Can't wait to see how the rest of the week goes. They have dance tonight and hopefully there won't be any meltdowns.

oh, and I ran into Abby's teacher on her way out yesterday and she said Abby is doing great and knows just about all her letters except two that she has trouble on. When we got home the girls wanted to do arts and crafts. Abby painted and she painted a perfect letter "A". and she tried to write her name but she wrote it backwards with the b's looking like d's and couldn't figure out how to draw a Y. So her name looked like this ddA. :) I'm happy she is trying. Way to go Abby.

Alexis drew a fruit basket filled with fruit. Then they colored.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

First Day of Kindergarten is over

So I picked her up about 5pm and couldn't wait to get there and hear how her day went. Yesterday was the longest day at work ever. When I walked into the cafeteria she was so excited to see me. She was in the kids club program at the end of the day for afterschool care. She ran to me and gave me a big hug and was so excited to tell me about her day. She started by telling me that she just cried a little. When school was over and she had to go to Kids Club she said she was sad that she had to leave Ms. Murray's class. She should be fine once she makes some friends and warms up to the teachers that run the program. She also was excited to tell me that she got to go on the play ground two times and in the gym two times. She also showed me the sign they use to hold their hand up when they have to go potty. She had a very exciting first day. I can't wait to hear about day two. Ms. Murray sends home a folder every day with a behavior chart and of course Alexis got a smile on her first day. We have to initial it every day.

Abby did good as well. I think she will be really excited the day they get to swim at school. Her teacher leaves early so I didn't get an update from her, but Abby was very happy when I picked her up.

Just want to share an amazing poem:

First Day Of Kindergarten School Poem

~Author Unknown~

She started school this morning,
And she seemed so very small.
As I walked there beside her
In the Kindergarten hall.

And as she took her place beside
the others in the class,
I realized how all too soon
Those first few years can pass.

Remembering, I saw her as
She first learned how to walk.
The words that we alone made out
When she began to talk.

This little girl so much absorbed
In learning how to write.
It seems as though she must have grown
To girlhood overnight.

My eyes were blurred by hastily
I brushed the tears away
Lest by some word or sign of mine
I mar her first big day.

Oh how I longed to stay with her
And keep her by the hand
To lead her through the places
That she couldn't understand.

And something closely kin to fear
Was mingled with my pride.
I knew she would no longer be
A baby by my side.

But she must have her chance to live,
To work her problems out,
The privilege to grow and learn
What life is all about.

And I must share my little girl
With friends and work and play;
She's not a baby anymore --
She's in Kindergarten today.

Monday, August 25, 2008

1st day of School for Both Girls...

Our morning went really well. It started with last night and having to pick the perfect outfit to wear Monday morning. I had a friend that had given us a bunch of clothes for Alexis and believe it or not Abby can fit in most of the outfits with shorts as well. Looks like they can already share clothes. Won't work in the winterhowever since Alexis is so much taller than Abby.
Monday morning Alexis was up exceptionally early at 5:40 am and then Abby at 5:50 am. UGH! While I got ready they both got dressed and Alexis helped Abby. We got out the door pretty quick so we could stop for donuts and sausage rolls before school. Abby was fine until we got to her new preschool and then when it was time for us all to go she was very upset. I had the lady pull her off me and walked out with her screaming. :( The adjustment is going to be hard on her without her sister with her anymore. However my friend did tell me when her husband dropped their daughter off at the preschool she was fine and not upset at all (they ran and gave each other hugs). That makes me feel much better.
Alexis was so excited. Walked right in and hugged her teacher. Hung up her backpack and sat in her seat. I was so good and didn't shed a tear until in the car and on my way to work when on the radio they had a read a first day of kindergarten letter and it made me cry. I think the hardest part is going to be waiting until the end of the day to hear how it went. She was so ready and was such a big girl. I was so proud of her. I can't believe she is 5 already. The last 5 years just flew by. I miss my baby girl but am so excited for what lies ahead. Girl Scouts here we come. :)

Stopping for donuts and sausage rolls before school. A favorite.

Abby gets dropped off first at her school. They have an indoor swimming pool at her school and she should swim once or twice a week with lessons. She also has a computer room and really nice playgroud. Even though her morning didn't start our so positive I am sure she will have a great day.

Alexis' turn. First thing we had Meet the Teacher night on Thursday night so that everything Monday morning wouldn't be a surprise.
At meet the teacher night her new teacher left her a little zip lock at their seat with a penny, starburst, eraser, band-aid, hug kiss, and sticker with a note attached that said...

Welcome to Kindergarten!

The penny is to remind you that you are valuable!

The starburst is to remind you that you are a star in my class!

The eraser is to remind you that it is okay to make mistakes. That's how we learn!

The band-aid is to remind you that together we can fix things!

The chocolate hug is to remind you that you are cared for!

The sticker is to remind you that we always stick together!

See you Monday!

This is her teachers first year teaching which I think is going to be such a benefit. She is so excited and I think the kids will feed off that energy. I am very happy that we have her.

And here we go. So tired of me asking if she is excited. Of course she is...

Paint n Pottery

The girls went to a birthday party at a paint and pottery place on 8/15. They just loved it. Abby used about a million different colors on hers and Alexis was very careful with hers. I actually had to help her quite a lot since she wanted it just perfect. After they were done they got to get their faces painted. They had a blast.

The Circus!

Yes, I am a really behind in posting pictures, but it's better late than never.

On 8/3/08 the girls got to go to Ringling Bros. and Barnum & Bailey Circus. The loved it. When we took Alexis back when she was three she enjoyed it for the most part but about 20 to 15 mins before it was over she was ready to go home. Both girls really enjoyed it. Of course we no circus is complete without cotton candy and popcorn. They can't wait to go back again next year.

Friday, August 22, 2008

Kindergarten is right around the corner..

So we had meet the teacher night last night and I was already about to cry and it is not even her first day. I guess it all just feels so real now that we have been up there, met her teacher and toured the school. This is nothing like leaving them at 12 weeks old at daycare (didn't even shed a tear), but so much more. My baby is really growing up and I just don't feel ready yet. Her teacher is so sweet that I think she will really bond well with her. This is her first year teaching so she is very excited and luckily is not burnt out on kindergartners yet. I think this is a benefit for us.

I wanted to share this too. Her new teacher left her a little zip lock at their seat with a penny, starburst, eraser, band-aid, hug kiss, and sticker with a note attached that said...

Welcome to Kindergarten!

The penny is to remind you that you are valuable!

The starburst is to remind you that you are a star in my class!

The eraser is to remind you that it is okay to make mistakes. That's how we learn!

The band-aid is to remind you that together we can fix things!

The chocolate hug is to remind you that you are cared for!

The sticker is to remind you that we always stick together!

See you Monday!

I am going to be a total mess on Monday!

Friday, August 15, 2008

My Daughter, such the lady...

Well not really.

Her teacher told me that yesterday Abby was going potty at school and they have to leave the door cracked in the room so the teacher can hear them if they need help and her teacher told me that all of a sudden she says real loud, "Ms. ****, I tooted and the poop just popped out". the whole class was laughing. OMG...that's my girl.

Oh, and she always has to share with her teacher the lovely trick that Rodney decided to show them. "my daddy says pull my finger and toots". So now Abby wants people to pull her finger.
Thanks honey. UGH

Friday, August 8, 2008

My train experiences..and lessons learned

ok, so I have been riding the train now for three weeks and let me tell you I have made my share of mistakes and have learned some new things as well.

1. After two days of riding the train, I should have know this, but getting up at 5am = a non-functioning brain. So, I push the button for a round trip ticket and it won't take my money. Try another machine, same thing, and another one. WTH! Mean while my train leaves as I can't figure it out and the nice lady next to me helps me get it.
Lesson learned: always push "P" after you select your ticket so you can pay.

2. After my bus was running a little late and getting to the train station to go home last Friday I get to the train station, get on the train and then realize that my surroundings just don't look right. Um, I'm on the wrong train and in Garland. so I get off (luckly only have to go back one station) get on the train going back to then get on the RED train to get to Plano.
Lesson learned: Always look and make sure it is the RED line not the Blue.
(oh and Rodney got off early that day so he was at least able to get the girls)

3. Relying on the bus scares me. Yesterday for some reason the bus was running really late and I started to wonder if it was coming at all. After all I HAD to pick up the girls by 6 pm and if I had to walk it would take 15 mins. At a quarter after I just couldn't wait any longer and started to walk (in the HEAT!) As soon as I cross over the freeway, I look back and my bus shows up. Of course. UGH! and now I still have 10 mins to walk and really pissed off.

4. Downtown smells really bad in the morning when it has been raining. (observation from this morning)

5. the travel time to and from is soooo much longer than driving, but I keep telling myself I'm saving money right? and now because of the travel time there is no time at all after work anymore to run a quick errand without the girls like I used to do on my way home. Finding the time to do those errands is now a challange.

Anyway, hope you have enjoyed reading my experiences from the train and have taken notes to not make the same mistakes as me.